Web services

The creation (or redesign) of a website goes through key and essential steps for a result in perfect harmony with the customer's request.

Project definition

My first mission is to properly assimilate your problem. Thus, the first step in creating your site will be to define your needs and the objective of your website. This step is essential, it allows you to clearly define your expectations in order to create the perfect site for you. The drafting of the specifications follows our discussions. Thus, I can establish a personalized quote for the creation of your website. The quote includes HTML/CSS integration, SEO optimization, hosting for a period of one year and a warranty with follow-up over a period of 6 months.

Website development

The second step is development. It is done in compliance with the specifications and with a view to natural referencing for optimal visibility of your website.


The third step of my job is to track down the slightest flaw until I identify and eliminate each imperfection or potentially problematic bug in the future.


Finally, to finish, I train you to use your new site. I show you how to post articles, update pages or post photos. I can also offer you a daily management offer for your pages.
After creating your site, it is essential to keep your site up to date, to ensure that there are no security breaches and that plugins and other themes are up to date. This is why I also offer a maintenance offer.

A maintenance offer to keep your mind at ease

This offer includes the complete update of the site, its backup (for a rapid restoration of the site in the event of an intrusion) and the correction of bugs if necessary. Regular maintenance of your site is essential in order to avoid security breaches on your site caused mainly by a lack of updating of the theme, extensions and the CMS in particular. Maintenance is the assurance of a good performance of your website and the guarantee of a sustainable site.
No need to have a beautiful site if it is not visible to Internet users. A good positioning on search engines is essential for a website to be visible and attract visitors. Thus, each website creation incorporates the appropriate language elements for optimized natural referencing.

An expert at your service

If you want even more advanced referencing, I work with SEO experts qui sauront travailler le SEO de votre site. Structure, métas, maillage interne, ne sont que quelques exemples des multiples éléments que ce spécialiste auditera et optimisera avec vous, pour que la technique ne soit plus un frein à votre progression, mais un allié de votre ascension dans votre stratégie digitale.

Content is king !

Before arriving there, it will be necessary to work on the relevance of the texts of your site. The content on your website is one of the most influential factors for search engines like Google. Ever heard "Content is King"? Indeed, the content is one of the elements that will determine the legitimacy of a website in the eyes of the search engine. Google. The content you post will allow search engines (Google algorithms, Bing, etc.) to identify the credibility of a site in its field.

The links to take the lead

One of the pillars of natural referencing/SEO lies in the netlinking strategy adopted. We cannot talk about natural referencing and SEO without talking about links. If the terms “backlinks, anchoring, nofollow, Trustflow” or even “Google Penguin” are not familiar to you, it is because the link part of your site must be taken over. A successful site cannot do without an intelligent and subtly dosed link strategy. More than a question of quantity, quality is king here.

J'utilise depuis plusieurs mois et avec succès la puissance de ChatGPT pour transformer votre stratégie numérique. Mes services incluent :

Rédaction d'Articles Optimisés 

Je produis des articles de blog engageants, informatifs et optimisés pour le SEO. Notre utilisation de ChatGPT garantit une écriture créative et adaptée à votre public cible, boostant ainsi votre visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche.


Idées Innovantes pour les Réseaux Sociaux

Laissez ChatGPT alimenter vos campagnes sur les réseaux sociaux avec des idées de posts originales et captivantes. Nous vous aidons à créer un contenu qui résonne avec votre audience, augmentant l'engagement et la portée de votre marque.


Formation au Prompt Engineering

Nous offrons des formations personnalisées pour vous aider à maîtriser l'art du prompt engineering. Apprenez à interagir efficacement avec ChatGPT pour obtenir des résultats précis et utiles, que ce soit pour la génération de contenu ou pour des tâches spécifiques à votre entreprise.


Création de GPTs Personnalisés

Imaginez avoir votre propre version de ChatGPT, adaptée aux besoins spécifiques de votre entreprise. Nous développons des GPTs personnalisés qui peuvent gérer des tâches variées, de la réponse aux clients à la génération de rapports en passant par l'assistance dans les processus internes.

En intégrant ChatGPT dans votre stratégie numérique, vous bénéficiez d'une approche innovante et avant-gardiste pour atteindre vos objectifs de marketing en ligne. Contactez-nous pour découvrir comment nous pouvons révolutionner votre présence en ligne avec ChatGPT.

Today, in the world, more than one in two people are Internet users and nearly 40% (3 billion) are active users of social networks. Around seven-in-ten Americans are consumers of social media and devote an average of 2h30 per day to it.

3 billion users!

Facing figures of such magnitude, the need to communicate on social networks for your business becomes obvious. The potential of these new media lies in proximity, immediacy, exclusivity, virality and in an almost limitless capacity to disseminate your messages.

This is why I suggest that you help you make the right choices and give your entity the place it deserves on the networks.


The costs of creating a website are generally divided into two parts. The essential raw material to create your website. But also the cost of the skills used to develop your digital strategy. You should know that the websites I create are built with a CMS. A site management system available in private or open source version, namely WordPress.

This site management system will give the general appearance of the pages of your site thanks to templates of all styles. But which will also allow content management and natural referencing work for search engines. The final budget for a showcase site or blog creation will take into account all the features you want to add, which is why the price of a website creation can vary from 1 to 100.

  • Themes cost
  • Plugins cost
  • Web content cost
  • Cost of media files
  • Domain name cost

J’ai opté pour une tarification raisonnée à-la-carte car je considère que chaque entité, aussi petite soit-elle, a le droit de disposer d’un site web professionnel. 

panier de légumes

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Web Design by Tariop